This Thanksgiving I am very appreciative of the Native Future community and your commitment to this cause. It’s been a challenging two years, yet, during this time our community has only grown. Today, the Native Future community - volunteers, partners, donors - is more than 250 strong!

Thank you to all of our volunteers! Native Future’s roots are in Peace Corps service and volunteerism. That spirit continues today in our corps of 22+ volunteers who make Native Future tick.
Thank you to our partners! US Forest Service International Programs, International Conservation Fund of Canada, Dr. Julie Velásquez Runk. The Wounaan National Congress and Foundation for the Development of the Wounaan People. Our Ngäbe Buglé partners, the El Jacinto Community, the Artisan Cooperative Irene Vasquez, APAUDES Regional Farm Group and the Buenos Aires Catholic Mission. From the ground up, our partnerships are what make it all work.

Thank you to our donors! Your financial gifts ensure Indigenous youth stay in school, and support Wounaan communities to protect and conserve their territories.
The Native Future community is exemplary of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. This year, for every dollar donated and every hour volunteered we’ve leveraged many more - at least 3 times more - for the work of our Indigenous partners!
We are so very grateful for you, and the collaboration!
Marsha Kellogg